THE -most requested- Sourdough Cinnamon Wreath

I think one of my favorite things to make and by far the most requested is this sourdough cinnamon wreath. Which once upon a time was cinnamon rolls but the wreath method is superior… it bakes better, shares better, looks super pretty but if you prefer rolls, the only difference is how you cut it…Continue reading “THE -most requested- Sourdough Cinnamon Wreath”

What Is Sourdough Discard and How To Use It

Ley’s start with what sourdough discard even is. This word gets tossed around in the sourdough world like you’re automatically supposed to know what it is. So if you’re new to Sourdough, this will be particularly helpful.

Homeschooling Is A Wild Adventure

These posts about homeschooling seem to be more like a therapy to me and a way of processing and organizing my own thoughts. Hopefully they come as helpful tidbits and perspectives to you on yours or if your considering this route. If not, that’s fine and I’d stop reading… unless you’re just nosy. Them keepContinue reading “Homeschooling Is A Wild Adventure”

Amazing 30 Minute Homemade Curry

If you know curry, you’re probably thinking India. And turmeric, and coriander and Cumin.. probs coconut milk. And you’d be spot on. It’s a dope dish with TONS of spices and rich creamy sauce. There’s lots of varieties, but if you got the sauce and spices, it’s a curry.

The Only Salsa Recipe You Need

And will never get sick of. As promised. It’s here. The salsa recipe. The time has come to share all the secrets. And I promise it’s all my secrets. So don’t @ me when it turns out different even though you’ll follow all the steps the same. It’s just how it is. Same thing happenedContinue reading “The Only Salsa Recipe You Need”